Use this shopping basket to add items to an order. Stock levels are checked when you add parts to your basket but you are not allocated stock until your place your order.
Items that you add to your basket will remain in your basket once you have logged out, and will be there ready for next time you login! When you come to place your order the stock levels will be checked again. Assuming all the items in your basket are available, you will then be allocated that stock.
RC Disco - Xmas Holidays
Please note - RC Disco will close at the end of 23rd December - Back on the 30th & 31st December. We are then closed until Monday 6th January as we spend some time with the Family. You can continue to place orders, however they will be picked & shipped when we return on the days above. Normal service returns after the 6th January. We wish you all a very Merry Xmas & Happy New Year. Thanks - Greg (RC Disco)